Starting the week STRONG with Mind Your Fitness
Monday Movement / Movement Monday
Whatever you want to call it, we don’t care as long as you’re moving!
Every Monday we will release a new workout for you to try this week.
Drop a comment below and let us know how you get on with it, please also share this blog post to a friend to try too.
Tag us on socials too, we love seeing you guys get the workouts in – @mindyourfitnessofficial across all platforms.
Beginner – 5 Rounds
Intermediate – 10/12 Rounds
Advanced – 20 Rounds
Each movement is performed after each other (superset) at the end of the last movement you will rest for 1 minute unless stated otherwise and go again until all your rounds are performed / completed.
Your workout to try:
Lower-Body Builder (Gym)
• Barbell Back Squat: 4 x 8
• Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells: 3 x 12
• Walking Lunges with Dumbbells: 3 x 12 per leg
• Calf Raises: 4 x 20
• Leg Press: 3 x 10
Have fun with the workout and take it all at your own pace!!
Your only competition is you.
If you aren’t sure on how to perform the movements advised, just click this link and get access to our APP in which you will see the whole library of movements.
Have an awesome week ahead, don’t forget to drop a comment below if you try this workout!
And be sure to follow us on socials @mindyourfitnessofficial on ALL social media platforms.
And remember, tag us and throw us on your stories or posts, we love to see that you’ve completed our workouts.
If you think you could be ready to start working with us directly for more support on training for your mental health then simply CONTACT US HERE.
Thomas Fowler.
PS. For a short period of time, if you join our ‘EXPLORE’ package you will be able to get support from our coach Thomas directly via our app. For as little as £25 PM.
Click here for full unlimited access and get started on your goals.