Drink, Drugs, Gambling & The Birth Of Something Beautiful

Good Day!

In this week’s blog post I wanted to share a little more with you on who the face is behind the scenes. Who is the coach and why Mind Your Fitness was set up!

The face / owner:

Thomas Fowler

Like a lot of health coaches / personal trainers / speakers… I have somewhat of a troubled history. Growing up with an abusive alcoholic parent I turned to acting out at school for attention. Got involved with gambling, drink and drugs, suicidal thoughts and self harming.. All sounds cliche though doesn’t it?

I didn’t admit I had a problem, even though I couldn’t go out for a night out without the want for drink or drugs and had to end the night in the casino….. I couldn’t see the wood through the trees. In and out of relationships and got hella bored with jobs…. The one thing that was always consistent though, was the want to be in a gym and to lift weights!

Which then led me down the path of getting qualified in the fitness industry. After getting qualified as a coach around the age of 20ish. I went to work at a well known hotel chain in their high end gym!!! Let me set the scene for a second here too… Day 1: 6 am start! Absolutely BUZZING I was going to be able to pursue my future in helping others in the GYM! 

Upon arrival, I was told the vacancy I filled was for a coach who walked out on their shift, but they since took them back…. What did that mean for me? They told me they can make me a leisure assistant / lifeguard and throw me some hours in the gym… NOT IDEAL but i felt like it was a stepping stone…

Day 1 & 2 flew by as I was just buzzing stil that I was working in a job that I felt I had a career in… DAY 3, they put me on the rota to do the following classes: Spin, Rowing, HIIT… I had NEVER attended one of these classes let alone instructed one! I spoke to my manager and explained I am newly qualified and have no experience in these classes… his response was ‘ Who cares, just get them moving. They’re all fatties anyway! ‘ ……. SAY WHAT NOW?!?!!? Needless to say, I got my coat and bag and walked the hell out of there!! 

That day killed my enthusiasm to work in the fitness industry!!

I continued to train myself and the odd friend here or there but nothing really stuck and I wanted a ‘safe 9-5’ job.

I finally got my life together with the help and support of my wife. She has been as solid as a rock and has been by my side every step of the way even when the chips were really down and she should have walked away. To that, I owe her my everything. 

She encouraged me to speak to the GP and get some medical support, by that time I had quit the drugs and gambling. But continued to drink (socially)( I am now 4 years sober).

After speaking with my GP and getting some initial support I was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), anxiety and depression. I was given Sertraline to help ‘level’’ me out and put on a waiting list for some Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

Whilst all this was going on, I still had an itch to coach people… so I decided to set up a bootcamp in my local park. My wife and her friends initially started it and it grew quite well. I wanted a 1-1 client because that’s where my strengths are. With a person 1 on 1. One of my wifes friends wanted to train, but couldn’t leave the house because of child care constraints….

So I trained her at her house and we got incredible results… This was everything I dreamt of career wise…. Then I started to get referrals and people wanting my services. I was working fulltime and PT in the evenings, I had a young family… It was tough BUT I made this work for around 16 months! That business was called…… TOM FOWLER FITNESS… inspiring I know. 

The Birth Of Mind Your Fitness

Here’s how Mind Your Fitness comes in… I was waiting for the CBT with the NHS and the waiting list was LONG! HELLA LONG… I did some digging and searching and found a course in becoming a CBT coach… this was a win-win, I could learn CBT and practice on myself and then also coach it… So that’s what I did, I became a certified CBT coach as well as a life coach.

Then progressed into levels 2,3,4 in understanding mental health, mental health in children, mental health first aid, sport nutrition… I consumed and learnt anything and everything I could to help progress. Not only for my own knowledge and understanding but for those  I am coaching too… but the name Tom Fowler Fitness didn’t seem all that inspiring and aligned with what I wanted….. Apresto , the launch of Mind Your Fitness.

I reduced my hours in my 9-5 so I could coach on a Thursday and Friday as well as evenings. I was about to go full time in coaching and then, COVID happened. I didn’t want to take the risk and transition over because it seemed like a huge risk at that time (hindsight, I would have done it) but I stuck out for as long as possible…… While this was going on, I was having no end of issues with my line manager… Long story short, he was a workplace bully and he significantly affected my mental health. To which I quit.

I actually did it, I turned around and quit!!

The following day, I was a fulltime coach and Mind Your Fitness was my fulltime job and career!

There have been bumps in the road and challenges. I have gone bust, and rebuilt… you wouldn’t have seen that though! But I will share this on another blog, as well as my latest health challenge which is also affecting the way I coach. I have a rare liver disease, again for another blog….

So there you go, there is an outline of Thomas Fowler and how Mind Your Fitness was born.

If you want to know more then please feel free to contact me and of course keep your eyes peeled on the blogs that will come!

Use the contact form below or simply drop me a WhatsApp!!

Thanks for reading!

Don’t forget to check out previous blogs, found in NEWS.

Thomas Fowler.

Fitness & Mental Health Coach

Mind Your Fitness


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Thomas Fowler - Owner & Head Coach at Mind Your Fitness

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